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Personalizing it makes it Special

Paula has created challah covers, mezzuzzot, and personalized Chuppot for couples based on  their family histories, interests, initials, and colour preferences.  Chuppahs can be used as wall hangings in the couples' new homes. Embroidered mezzuzzahs are custom made using a new baby's name,  to match a wedding bencher, or monogram.

If you have an idea, but don't know  how to turn it into reality, contact millerart fabrications to see how we can combine your ideas to create a very special Judaic item for someone you love.

Please keep in mind that designing and planning a special custom item will probably require a little extra consulting and creation time! 

One of a kind is always a perfect gift choice for any occasion! 

© 2016 Paula Miller.. Proudly created with

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